Primera parte de seis de las publicaciones de las historias en inglés ganadoras del concurso.Lanterns
It was seven
minutes after midnight; the corridor was dark as the whole school. The dark
corridors, being lit-up by children lanterns, look like sinister. Children left
open porter’s office door to be used as their access and escape route. Unfortunately, they were at the
other side of the school. Alex dragged his two friends to this clandestine
adventure. Their reason to be there had to do with murmurs about a ghost in the
school. A teacher found dead in a classroom at the beginning of course, was the
origin of this story. The imagination of the students did the rest.
Robert and John
were unable to refuse this crazy adventure without being in evidence. When one
is 12 years old, the pride is very important to the group. But the pride was
about to be engulfed by fear flanking each step introducing them in the bowels
of the dark center. Several sounds as high and clear as mysterious lead them to
this area of college. They were ready to leave behind
as had promise to keep silent.
A new noise called
their attention towards central yard’s windows. No one lit-up as full moon was
the best light source. In the center of the yard they saw what seem to be an 8
years old girl. She was dressed with a white suit, as white as her skin contrasting
her black long hair almost reaching the floor level.
Her arms so longs
reaching her knees. It also called their attention a small body being dragged
by one of her long arms. It was a 4 to 5 years old child. An inert body moving
along the rhythmic pulls coming from the mysterious shape walking along.
Robert’s lantern
falls down. She suddenly turned. Illuminated by the moon, her eyes shine
showing an iris bigger than any other human eye. The children bow, but fear
make them breathing so hard that almost denounced their presence. They tried to
stop breathing and refine hearing. The footsteps dragging the body went towards
them slowly and unmistakable.
John started to run
as never did before. But was unable to leave behind his friends. Robert even
overtake him. They toured the school without looking back and got out though the
John and Robert
didn’t want even to talk about. Alex told them his intention to come back again
next night. They never returned to see Alex. Teachers told them that his family
had moved. Both friends were silent, as they had agreed. But for the rest of
the course, they did not stop looking at their backs.
Ayer de nuevo nos visitó Jordi. Los tres grupos de sexto disfrutamos de sus experiencias conociendo la cultura y la solidaridad con otros países.
Además, trajo cartas de nuestros amigos de México (en castellano) para los grupos de tercero y sexto.
En inglés, nos trajo cartas de nuestro grupo de Nepal (hoy hemos empezado a descubrir sus costumbres).
Para cinco años hizo entrega de dibujos del Pueblo Saharaui, en contestación a las que les enviamos en Navidad.
Por otra parte, nos habló de la economía en desarrollo en diversos países y de los Micro préstamos. Elegimos un proyecto en México para favorecer a su comunidad y colaboramos con un préstamo en nombre del cole. Os paso enlace del Blog de Jordi.
Y foto del proyecto elegido (precisamente conocemos y favorecemos a través de las cartas a una comunidad lejana)
Rodrigo is a smart and
ambitious farmer who recently found out that there is no waste, only
resources. Indeed, with his Sistema Biobolsa biodigester, he will be
able to transform the manure of all his cows into renewable energy
(biogas) and organic fertilizer. He is keen on investing in a
sustainable technology that will avoid the contamination of the
environment and improve the productivity of his farm in a cost-effective
manner. By inputting the manure in the system, it will no longer emit
greenhouse gases, nor contaminate underground water sources.
biogas will displace gasoline and LP gas, while Rodrigo will use
organic fertilizer to nourish the soil instead of chemicals. Rodrigo
will use the biogas to power the milking machine he uses, further
reducing expenses and improving productivity. He is proud to prove that
climate-smart and sustainable farming is possible!
This loan
represents 41% of the full price of the biodigester, the remaining part
was covered by a cash downpayment and a government subsidy.
Ayer disfrutamos de una tarde especial en compañía de las familias y los 6 niños finalistas del concurso de cuentos en inglés.
Durante la entrega de premios conocimos a varios expertos en la enseñanza del idioma y disfrutamos de la charla del señor Rubén Trenzano, Director General de Política Lingüística i Gestió del Multilingüisme (se aplaudió su compromiso con el inglés en la escuela) Nuestro cole fue alabado como el centro público más premiado. Se señaló la calidad de la redacción de nuestros finalistas.
Gracias a todos los que han hecho posible esta iniciativa en nuestra escuela. Continuaremos esta labor el próximo curso. En las fotos podéis ver a los niños, padres y profes en el Claustro y el Salón de Actos del IES Luís Vives de Valencia.